Centers Within College of Business
The College of Business is the home for two Centers that support development and research related to local business activities: the Center for Economic Development and the Center for Business Research.
Center for Economic Development
The Center for Economic Development serves to assist area jurisdictions in their efforts to promote economic development of the region. The Center also functions as a central point of contact to connect UMW faculty and students with regional initiatives and businesses seeking their assistance, such as through the University’s partnership with the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance.
A number of separate units and initiatives are a part of the Center for Economic Development. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps entrepreneurs and small businesses establish, manage, and expand their organizations. The SBDC provides one-on-one counseling and research services at no cost, and it offers seminars and training programs in all aspects of small business management at low costs. These services are available to any existing or startup small business or potential entrepreneur. StartUpUMW is a student entrepreneur education program focused on developing the essential skills and effective strategies for starting and running a business. The Office of Regional Initiatives provides opportunities for area citizens and groups to collaborate, promote, and advance local economic programs and opportunities.
Center for Business Research
The Center for Business Research collaboratively plans and conducts research activities by the College of Business (COB) faculty and interested UMW faculty members from the UMW Colleges of Arts and Science and Education, based on their interest and skill sets for regional impact-related activities in the future. It is, however, primarily driven by the collaborative efforts of the COB faculty. The Center’s Advisory Board assesses the region’s annual needs for research and reporting and holds quarterly meetings.
As a local source for regional economic analysis and expertise, the Center was strategically created as a part of UMW’s College of Business to capitalize on access to highly regarded faculty and opportunities for student engagement. Through internships and employment opportunities, the Center will provide hands-on learning opportunities for students to assist the Center’s faculty in the research and preparation of reports on regional economy.